
really yummy kimchi

While visiting a friend recently in Vermont we went to her local tiny farmers market, whoa! No such thing in Vermont... a Vermont farmers market is chock-full on wonderful local people all making something wonderful, delicious and even printing t-shirts! Well, we were just short of looking for real estate... But for now, we will stick with Rhode Island (and visit Vermont every chance we get!).

My hands down favorite was this delicious kimchi! By Finallie Ferments, you can order from them! If you are having trouble finding delicious kimchi in your town - here's your ticket to the most delicious I have tried! This pink one was my favorite, spicy and really delicious. They also have curry and plain all super duper yummy!

visit their website here

You can also visit my blog for a previous post on fermenting and kimchi etc... click here

ps. keep your gut healthy and clean by eating kimchi every day!