
some of our favorites!

We went into the shop and grabbed some of our favorite items and pulled off a photoshoot - AND had some fun at the same time...

I like to mix and match Makié for a HI-low vibe... and don't save your Makié for special occasions, your kids will outgrow their clothes... so let them wear them!! you can always wash it out, mend it or whatever... but just get your use out of it!

Littl by lilit, nico nico, Lucky Fish and Boy+Girl... all mixed up are GREAT! totally different collections yet the more you mix the better they UNmatch!

 Lucky Fish T's are just the greatest invention... I love them with fancy things but they always spend their day with everyday shorts and just about anything! It's the SUMMER UNIFORM!

I knew this fatigue shirt jacket was the piece for US, it starts with Sander (he's older) and then goes on to be handed down... great for boys and girls.. but really GREAT! and littl by lilit.. always gREAT!

click here for Makie
click here for Lucky Fish
click here for Boy + Girl
click here for Littl by Lilit
click here for nico nico