
It's a NEW year!

It's taken me until now to get myself together and get back to a routine. We ate so many cakes and cookies over the Holiday break that most of our family has a cold, sugar weakens your immune system and so you have a harder time fighting off a cold. I remember when I lived in Italy and was VERY macrobiotic, we used to have reflexology all the time (there was this woman in our town who was RUTHLESS and it was so painful but she would always get our bodies in order). She used to say that she was SO busy after Christmas because everyone eats so many sweets and their immune systems would be all screwed up.

I was starting to get neck and back problems so I just jumped in... running and I made a big pot of rice cream (recipe here) three days later I am feeling fantastic! I started running two years ago, I only run one mile every day - it doesn't take much time and it's easy to fit into my schedule. From time to time I do yoga and a general awareness for exercise (we live in a rural area so we drive a lot, so I park far away from the door when I got to the store... etc.. walk when I can... ). I feel that the running gives my internal organs a good massage - that's what it's about for me and also the breath.. breathing hard is important each day to clean your lungs out.

So if you want to try this... here's how it goes, run a mile every day, eat rice cream for two meals and drink the 'tea' (from making the rice cream, it's really home made rice milk!) as much as you can. I try to finish the rice cream within three days and then cook it again. This will clean out your internal organs and especially your intestines, which get especially backed up with all the heavy food you enjoy over the holidays. Then usually later this month I will do a fast for 6-7 days, I like the simple Master Cleanse (where you just drink lemon water, cayenne and a drop of maple syrup) where you can drink all the tea you want!

Good Luck and enjoy getting yourself back and ready for LIFE!

click here for rice cream recipe