
T magazine - sad face :(

When I got my T magazine fashion issue I set it aside - it's one of those things I want to take my time with and enjoy... Mostly because it's a place I can dream and it takes me away to a completely stylish place that I can sit back and contemplate and thoroughly ENJOY. Then my friend Tina came over and saw it on my table and said.. did you hear that Sally Singer is leaving.... I stopped... for crying out loud, when someone with an entirely different opinion, away from the ordinary hits the stage with something other than what is... expected, it just doesn't last long does it... (think Domino...)

Tell me.. does ANYONE like what Stefano Tonchi is doing to W magazine? Honestly with his covers I am embarrassed, for him, for fashion, for the people on the cover. But I knew I had in my back pocket... T Magazine... a place for people who have a dream, to read about people who are living their dream and creating something entirely unique and exciting to read about.

So there we go.. we have to say Goodbye to Sally Singer.. Thank you very much Sally Singer for a very happy and fun two years, I have enjoyed it and so have my readers! BUT I know she will do something else, I am hoping that we get more of this... what if... dare I say it Vanity Fair and Sally Singer get together...(!). Just in case anyone needs them... I have the last two years of T magazine right up on my shelf! :) (smiley face)

get the full story at the daily beast by clicking here
read the fall 2012 fashion issue here