
Home Again (Naturally)

The Feng Shui of packing

We traveled something over 3,500 miles in 12 days. Sometimes, in hindsight, everything seems a blur of trees and water. And, I'd be lying if I didn't say we have returned more tired than when we left - if not strangely refreshed. But, one thing is for sure - we had a WONDERFUL time and saw many things. The kids did and saw things that are a first - and the weather couldn't have been much better throughout. The memories will be invaluable to us. Really, if you're up to taking a road trip with the kids, I would highly recommend it. In fact, we are already talking about doing it again... this time going up the eastern coast of Canada camping. But, first, we need to get some rest. Oh yes, and I guess it's time to get back to work! Below, I've submitted some pics to wrap up some of the best moments.

Canada or bust

camp fires and endless s'mores



Niagra Falls

A refreshing smoothie at just the right time

surprisingly patient kids!